Friday, April 8, 2011

The Blog to Convey Heavenly Father & Heavenly Mother's Endless Love Opens!!!

Welcome My BLOG!!!!
I open this blog to convey Heavenly Father & Heavenly Mother’s Love to many People.
Heavenly Father came to the Earth in the flesh & established New Covenant 2000 years ago as Jesus Christ.

Biblical name of The Last Supper is PASSOVER.
Jesus Christ established New Covenant on Passover.
However, New Covenant, through which we can go to heaven, disappeared by Satan.
So, Heavenly Father came to the Earth in the flesh again as Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong.
He restored New Covenant, established World Mission Society Church of God and taught us Heavenly Mother who is the last secret of Bible.

Church of God World Mission Society, New Jerusalem Temple in Korea

You can know about Christ Ahnsahnghong, Heavenly Mother & Church of God World Mission Society in this blog.
I really wish you realize Heavenly Father & Heavenly Mother’s endless Love.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so moved by heavenly father and mother's endless love..^^
    I'm beside on you..cheer up!!!!!!!~~
